It looks like we have an advocate that will introduce us to the Incheon Grand Park Director(s) in the next week. I don't want to throw around too many names until we become more acquainted. He, Maureen, and I will meet before the introduction is made to insure everything is in order and appropriate. Of course, things could change but this is very good news. The meeting is on Tuesday the second of September.
Second, the head of Extreme Sports Korea is interested in a meeting to see what we are up to and potentially align his group with IMBA guidelines as well. There's a lot to cover with this gentleman and he is certainly seen as a great person to associate with. I am looking forward to meeting him. The interesting part of this is that his group could widen the scope of this project into a full-on cycling experience for the whole family. Cool!
I'm a friend /fan of davis' phinney, and a journalist, and a bike racer. Non of your other blogposts had a readable 'verification word' so I er...come to this! Sorry ..about Davis:I
wrote a cool feature on him in 1988, (Cyclist mag) cuz he begged me to ..he'd liked the Andy Hampsten one.
Somehow, writing /researching my blog ("Hollow Fame", jacquiephelan.com)
i ran into you, and can only grin: I just started my very first batch of kimchi (i hear that even bad kimchi is better than the crap in the supermarket here in San Fran/Marin county. I bleive it.
In my blog,you will be able to access my food blog 'salivation army' and it would MAKE MY DAY to hear what you , a reg'd dietician, think of it. I am a gleaner (don't buy food, too expensive here in Marin, where half the foodsupply's thrown away..into my waiting hefty sack... but i digress..
I'll try not to make a total ass of myself here but (I am an expert), I am VERY aware of who you are and your response made me squeel! The MTB racing and riding scene here is much like what we had in the late 80's to early '90's but people here are riding $12,000 ti bikes...but often just on the bike paths. It can be perverse what folks spend for bikes here, too bad the trails need so much work to help them meet their potential. Did I mention I squeeled?
Thanks for your comments and input on Davis. The original article was a great story about an amazing person. Even the picture of him looks like a super hero. I never met Davis but I did meet Andy at a New Years Party when I lived in Boulder. It's been a long time.
I have been trying to add more food related info to my other Blog. http://yummiestanwiches.blogspot.com/
Here you will find a wider range of topics, including food. I've been slow to make additions lately as I am trying to learn Korean and be a good house husband. Although I don't directly promote the comsumption of meat, I am not totally against it so there is some non-veg content. Also, I have tried to find a place for me here as a dietitian, I specialize in geriatric medical nutrition therapy, but there is little use for an RD that can't speak Korean. I miss caring for people.
I will be checking your blog pronto to catch up. I am interested in your Kimchi project. I admit I don't often crave it here but it's omnipresent and of sketchy quality as much of it now comes from China. Oh boy, we get their pollution and kimchi.
Thans for stopping by, don't be a stranger. I promise not to be starstruck next time.
Hello! I just ran across your blog and think what you're doing is great! Have you made any progress since your last post? Good luck to you!
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